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This concludes the tour. Stable32 includes many more features, including data selection, printing, scaling, normalization, averaging, filling and clearing, timetag manipulations, power spectral plots, histogram plots, single-point variance calculations, clock noise generation, domain conversions, an MJD/GPS calendar, GraphiC replotting, and more (including stability analysis automation). Some of these functions and their toolbutton icons are shown below.

  Add Icon Add phase or frequency data file Open Icon Open data file   Click on the icon below to go to the Stable32 data sheet to obtain more information.

  Average Icon Combine data into longer averages Notepad Icon Launch Notepad
  Calendar Icon Display MJD calendar Part Icon Remove part of data
  Check Icon Check frequency data for outliers Play Icon Launch GraphiC
  Clear Icon Clear phase or frequency data Plot Icon Plot phase or freq data
  Configure Icon Configure Stable32 options Power Icon Plot power spectrum
  Convert Icon Convert between phase & freq data Print Icon Print phase or freq data
  Domain Icon Perform domain conversions Read Icon Read table of stability data
  Drift Icon Calculate & remove freq drift Regularize Icon Remove gaps in data
  Edit Icon Edit phase or freq data Run Icon Run stability analysis
  Filenames Icon Set filenames Save Icon Save data file
  Fill Icon Fill gaps in phase or freq data Scale Icon Scale phase or freq data
  Help Icon Obtain help for Stable32 Sigma Icon Calculate sigma
  Histogram Icon Plot histogram Statistics Icon Calculate statistics
  Noise Icon Generate simulated clock noise Timetags Icon Insert Timetags
  Normalize Icon Remove mean value from data 5110Comm Icon Read data from TSC5110
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